Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Statistical Analysis of

  • Ogdenian visited by individuals from 8,540 cities in 178 countries.
  • 57.19% visitors use Internet Explorer, 32.44% use Firefox, and 5.19% use Safari Browsers.
  • 87.18% visitors use Windows and 9.21% use Macintosh computers.
  • 39.09% visitors at 1024×768 screen resolution, 15.42% at 1280×1024, 14.25% at 1280×800, 7.74% at 1440×900, 6.77% at 1680×1050, 3.12% at 800×600, and the rest use other screen resolutions.
  • 85.93% visitors use 32-bit screen colors. Increase Graphic Viewing Quality.
  • 95.67% visitors have java enabled.
  • 95.8% visitors have flash 9 or higher installed. Update your Flash Player to Version 10.0.12
  • 2.01% visitors still use dialup.